
A Better Way To Go Akron Canton Airport
Posted on March 30, 2010 by in Fun

It's spring at CAK but a sign of winter remains

I love spring at CAK. Our travelers are walking through our front doors with flip flops instead of snow boots. And they're ready to head anywhere for summer vacation because it's finally warm again. Spring breakers are usually the first reminder that it's finally spring. Our traffic increases right around Easter with students and families excited for their first trip of the year. Our Facebook fans are all a buzz too. We've been hearing more and more how they are headed to Orlando and Tampa on AirTran Airways. One thing is for sure: Our Facebooks fans love Florida!

Winter's weather may be over (I hope) but a sign of winter still remains for those of us at CAK. A large snow pile off the side of our runway is a constant reminder of the 50+ inches of snow we just went through. This pile of snow and sand (which is used to melt the snow on our runways) is cleared from our runways and piled up every year by a light post. And this year, it was so high that it was just a few feet from the top of the pole. Some of our employees joke that we should place bets when it will melt because it could be well into May before it is completely gone.

When I set out to snap a photo of the snow pile, I asked some of our employees if they wanted to be in the photo. Their response: "No thanks. We put it there." I think they're ready for spring as well.